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The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2011-12 Pinnacle Hockey (34 Sweet Images)

December 12, 2011

Looks like Panini America’s recent acquisition of former Beckett Media Senior Market Analyst Tim Trout is already paying dividends. After all, it was Trout who late last Friday evening brought to light the fact that he’d spent all day at the Panini America printing facility helping QC 2011-12 Pinnacle Hockey.

Had Trout not said anything, the following gallery detailing 34 images from the process might have slipped completely under the radar. Thanks to him, it didn’t. It’s a good thing, too. Check the images after the jump to see why.

As you’ll see, Pinnacle Hockey returns for a new season delivering a highly entertaining selection of base-card imagery, the beloved Nufex technology (for which a scanner simply can’t do justice), the unique Starting Six memorabilia cards and a healthy array pop-culture personalities dotting the popular Fans of the Game insert.

The product began shipping today and should be live everywhere December 21, just in time for the passionate hockey collectors on your holiday wish list. Until then, enjoy these exclusive first glimpses of the product.

18 Comments leave one →
  1. Ricky Bartolome permalink
    December 12, 2011 11:31 am

    What will you do with all that cards? will you give it away to fans who follows your social network? hope you can give me some for we dont have any hockey cards selling here in Philippines.

  2. Lee Patton permalink
    December 12, 2011 11:31 am

    Looks Awesome!

  3. Josh permalink
    December 12, 2011 11:46 am

    SWEET! Some great looking cards here? When do these hit the street? Also, are those cards with the graffiti (Ennis, Skinner) part of an insert set? If so, what is that one… they look pretty cool.

  4. Rich permalink
    December 12, 2011 11:53 am

    Wow guys, awesome as usual. Gonna be pricey chasing down all the new Nash’s in there as well as the Private Signings.


  5. Martins permalink
    December 12, 2011 12:06 pm

    Cool pictures as always for Pinacle
    Great job!
    Does will be on card mark that the Plecanek no more in Habs?

  6. Mitchell permalink
    December 12, 2011 12:13 pm

    Is there a Starting 6 card of the Hurricanes?

  7. Matt Gilman permalink
    December 12, 2011 12:20 pm

    Love the gallery, but the Starting 6 are amazing!!! Sweet looking cards and gallery.

  8. December 12, 2011 12:24 pm

    More Slapshot! My Michael Ontkean card is lonely.

  9. Steen Fan permalink
    December 12, 2011 3:34 pm

    Are you ever going to get Alex Steen Autos or memorabilia in your products?

  10. December 12, 2011 6:01 pm

    Those starting six cards really grab the eye. They look great!

  11. cory permalink
    December 12, 2011 6:49 pm

    Are the rookies all on dufex or regular stock as well? thanks!

  12. another disappointed collector permalink
    December 13, 2011 6:12 am

    Seriously, more of the Slapshot stuff?? Wasn’t it bad enough you [messed up] last year’s Limited with that?? I was 10 shades of mad when I pulled a Hanson auto from the first pack, I never went back. Just one more way to water down a product if you ask me..

  13. Josh permalink
    December 13, 2011 8:57 am

    Hey Tracy, any idea when Kopitar is gonna sign his scratching the surface from Crown Royale? Thanks

  14. December 13, 2011 4:15 pm

    Wow, Pinnacle looks much better this year. Love it.

  15. deloreanfan81 permalink
    December 17, 2011 4:19 am

    awesome…Dufex FTW!!!

  16. kgp permalink
    February 7, 2012 11:56 pm

    hey i was wondering i got a card that has the a shinny side with sidney crosby and on the other side has jonathan toews its a team pinnacle card id this normal for that card? i have never seen one like this before!

  17. June 8, 2013 11:34 am

    I pulled a Henrik sedin threads card and and a Henrik patch card /25 (2011-12 pinnacle) but in the beckett only that card wasn’t priced is there a reason why?Thanks for any help


  1. The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2011-12 Pinnacle Hockey - Blowout Cards Forums

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