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Panini America, GTS Distribution Ready for 2013 Industry Summit Ultimate Case Break

March 18, 2013


LAS VEGAS — Tomorrow afternoon in Las Vegas, Panini America and GTS Distribution will join forces for one of the most anticipated single events of the entire 2013 Industry Summit: The Ultimate Case Break. Beginning at 3 p.m. (PST) Wednesday afternoon, two cases each of 2012-13 Limited Hockey (3 p.m.), 2012-13 Limited Basketball (3:30 p.m.), 2012 Limited Football (4 p.m.) and 2012 National Treasures Baseball (4:30 p.m.) will be busted live from the show floor.

Summit attendees who’ve preregistered for the Ultimate Case Break will participate in both team- and draft-style breaks (for all three Limited products) as well as a random snake draft for National Treasures. In addition, one spot in each break will be awarded to readers of The Knight’s Lance (we’ll have more details on that later this week.)

Collectors at home who want to watch all of the action tomorrow will have many opportunities to do so. In addition to being hosted live on the BlogTV page, feeds from the show floor will also be carried live on the Panini America BlogTV page, the Cardboard Connection Ustream page and on the Panini America Twitter feed.

Here’s hoping you can tune in tomorrow. Oh, before the Ultimate Case Break, Panini America officials will conduct their annual corporate address to a rapt audience of attendees. Stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance tomorrow for breaking news from what promises to be an explosive address.

11 Comments leave one →
  1. fatcatt permalink
    March 18, 2013 10:38 pm

    Hey great! Thanks for the heads-up..will def check it out. I bet it will be awesome! Thanks

  2. Eric Cabreros permalink
    March 18, 2013 10:53 pm

    Hopefully this will also be uploaded in YouTube.

    This is getting more exciting!

    Tracy we will definitely tune in

    Have fun Vegas Style

  3. fatcatt permalink
    March 18, 2013 11:28 pm

    I may be misunderstanding here (likely) but if this is happening tomorrow how can there be any spots awarded later in the week? Is it just the break and participants are entered later with team?

  4. March 18, 2013 11:45 pm

    I will definitely be tuning in love watching when you guys break new products so this should be fun to watch

  5. March 18, 2013 11:48 pm

    Wow! This is like winning the lotto for whoever gets selected! An I love playing the lotto!lol was planning On going to the summit then had some minor set backs so couldt attend! Next year!lol I can’t miss out in this again! Appreciate the chance, hve fun and be safe all!

  6. hudsonfan15 permalink
    March 19, 2013 5:18 am

    I echo Eric’s sentiments above, I’ll be missing the broadcast due to a prior commitment so I really hope I can catch up at a later date. Thanks Tracy!

  7. March 19, 2013 5:27 am

    Was good to have a chat with Tracy and David today on Blog TV, bummed i’ll be at work for the rest of the live stuff!

  8. Scott Whalen permalink
    March 19, 2013 9:14 am

    I am looking forward to hearing what Panini has coming up. Also hope to be fortunate enough to win a spot in the break! Panini is leading the hobby with innovative ideas! Love them all! Keep it up guys!

  9. March 19, 2013 10:39 am

    Love that National Treasures BB. Can’t watch ive but I am sure you will have a highlight reel.

  10. Thomas permalink
    March 19, 2013 11:40 am

    Not all sunshine, puppies and unicorns guys, hate to be the downer here but Panini has gotta step up their game when it comes to the pure volume of redemption cards or work on a system of getting them back into the collector’s hands faster, thats the REAL,

  11. Sport Card Collectors permalink
    March 20, 2013 5:23 am

    Missed it but will go back to catch up!

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