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Panini America, CEO Mark Warsop Profiled in May/June Edition of D CEO Magazine

May 3, 2013

Panini America D CEO

Compelled by the mid-February announcement that Panini America had extended its exclusive agreement with the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, D Magazine writer Peter Simek reached out to us about doing a story on the company for D CEO Magazine. By early March, Simek was sitting in Panini America CEO Mark Warsop’s office finishing a lengthy interview before embarking on a formal tour of Panini America HQ.

When Simek’s work was done, he turned things over to talented photographer Stanton J. Stephens and his magic lens. On March 12, Stephens transformed our primary conference room into his personal studio, putting Warsop through the paces and at least one wardrobe change. Near the end of the shoot, not long after Warsop had swapped his formal business attire for the comfort of jeans, sneakers and a Rated Rookie T-shirt, Stanton had one more idea.

Channeling the famous Bill Parcells Gatorade bath from Super Bowl XXI, Stephens’ idea was to fill a cooler with Panini America products (in this case, primarily NFL stickers so as not to put one of our CEO’s eyes out) and douse Warsop in celebratory fashion. So Jason Howarth, Scott Prusha and myself went about ripping NFL sticker packets like mad to fill the cooler.

After a few takes and some masterful direction from Stephens (not to mention repeated refilling of the cooler), the shot was nailed, the shoot was over and we waited for the magazine to hit newsstands late last week. We think you’ll agree that the finished product — Simek’s words in concert with Stanton’s image — speaks quite eloquently for itself.

21 Comments leave one →
  1. Amy Solorio permalink
    May 3, 2013 10:46 am

    Y’all should do a little contest and give away some of these magazines signed by u 3:-) That’d be cool!:-) I’d totally LOVE to snag one!!(at least 1;-) )

    • Sportsmktgguy permalink
      May 3, 2013 11:00 am

      Love that idea! We will give away four! With one going to you, since you recommended it.

      • Amy Solorio permalink
        May 3, 2013 1:31 pm

        U guys rock!!!:-) omg! I LOVE U!!:-) LOL

  2. hudsonfan15 permalink
    May 3, 2013 10:58 am

    Very well done all around, I love the expression on your face as you dump the bin with Scott (something I’m sure you’ve secretly wanted to do for a very long time). Just one question though: in the article it reads that there is a $1,250 per pack product. What product is that? Thanks Tracy!

  3. May 3, 2013 11:07 am

    That is a great picture

  4. Student_of_the_Game permalink
    May 3, 2013 11:18 am

    nice to see the casual side of a well run professional business!

  5. Gary Busey's Teeth permalink
    May 3, 2013 11:52 am

    I think the cooler should have been filled with bricks.

  6. Jon M permalink
    May 3, 2013 12:04 pm

    It’s not every day you get to dump on your CEO. Cherish the moment, boys!

    Great photo, guys, I love the spirit of it. Tracy, you look like you enjoyed that a little too much. 😉

  7. Eric Cabreros permalink
    May 3, 2013 12:34 pm

    Nice To Know The History Of Panini!
    Cool article and very cool captured Shot!
    One of these Days If We Go to Texas!
    Hopefully We could see Panini Headquarters and get an invite from Panini!
    A tour Per say!
    One of these Days!!!

  8. May 3, 2013 1:45 pm

    That is some fantastic work right there. Very creative. Great article too. Hmm, considering I work for a bank, I wonder if I could dump a bunch of nickels on my CEO?

  9. May 3, 2013 2:05 pm

    Great picture!!

  10. May 3, 2013 2:18 pm

    Nice work. Like the write up and the photo is very cool. Hope you guys guaranteed you had a job after you dumped cardboard on your boss. No papercuts right?

    Grats Amy on snagging an autographed copy.

    Very powerful statement in the write up… “At its American headquarters in Irving, the world’s largest trading card maker keeps the thrill alive.” The subhead says it all for me.

    • Amy Solorio permalink
      May 3, 2013 7:35 pm

      Thanks!!;-) I’m super excited!:-)

  11. Smithy the Card Smither permalink
    May 3, 2013 5:37 pm

    Sick photoshoot boyz! Warsop looks so chill 😀

  12. deloreanfan81 permalink
    May 3, 2013 9:32 pm

    awesome news…1 quick question is this a trade magazine or can anyone pick up a copy somewhere, luv to check it out…

  13. Sport Card Collectors permalink
    May 4, 2013 4:33 am

    This is an incredible photo. When I first saw this yesterday it completely jumped out at me. It shows that you guys are serious about what you do, but also at the same time have fun and really like what you do which makes for great products for us collectors. Keep up the fun Panini!

    • Scott W. Prusha permalink*
      May 4, 2013 1:59 pm

      Thanks we LOVE what we do and I’m honored I was picked to “dump” on the CEO!

  14. Jamey permalink
    May 4, 2013 7:06 pm

    Initially, I thought Mr. Warsop was being showered with cash lol. Then, I realized he was being carded 🙂

    Great stuff, great image and it must be said… great work! Panini has, in but a few short years, TOTALLY transformed the hobby and industry. Every aspect of collecting, from design and execution to manufacturing to providing value outside of the cards themselves (this blog, for example) has been reimagined by Panini North America.
    Naturally, there are some who decry the “evolution of collecting” and don’t care for the changes wrought by Panini’s very eventful entrance into the industry… but there can be no progress without change. Great stuff.

  15. Wally permalink
    May 6, 2013 2:54 pm

    congrats Mark – great job putting out nice products

  16. May 15, 2013 10:41 am

    Man, as a BGS Grader, it hurts my stomach to see all those cards getting dinged up – those better be dirt commons, Scotty and Tracy!!! 🙂 Seriously, nice little fun article.

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