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What’s Your Favorite Tim Tebow Moment? Tell Us & You Could Win His Autograph!

November 8, 2011

The image on the trading card seems so simple at first glance. So . . . bare. There’s no helmet. No orange-and-blue No. 15 jersey. No shoulder pads to put it on. No Scripture-scribbled eye black. It’s just Tim Tebow, stripped down to a Nike dri-fit shirt and sweats, attempting to disprove the critics — again.

At that very moment (during Tebow’s pro day workout on the University of Florida campus in March of 2010), the two-time National Champion’s Heisman-winning left arm is cocked, on the verge of firing one of the most consequential passes of his life. To casual observers, the image that adorns the Panini America trading card inserted into specially marked copies of Tebow’s new documentary DVD “Everything In Between” may not seem like much. Tebow, however, sees things a bit differently.

“My dream of becoming an NFL quarterback was at stake on my pro day,” Tebow recalled Monday, roughly 24 hours after leading the Denver Broncos to a come-from-behind 38-24 victory over the Oakland Raiders. “All of the championships that I had been very fortunate to be a part of in high school and in college didn’t matter anymore. My dream now depended on being able to show all of the scouts and coaches that were there that day how much I had improved.”

How much had he improved? Enough to become a first-round draft pick just one month later before immediately embarking on one of the most heavily scrutinized roller-coaster rides in NFL history. “Everything In Between,” released today, intimately chronicles all that transpired for Tebow in the frenzied few months between the end of his award-winning career at Florida and the 2010 NFL Draft.

Panini America worked closely with XV Enterprises’ Robby Tebow and Angel Gonzalez on creating the special trading card, which includes one of Tebow’s favorite Bible verses — Philippians 4:13 — on the back along with an image of Tebow wearing the verse on his eye black.

“The heritage of Panini is deeply rooted in being true to the player,” said Jason Howarth, Panini America’s Vice President of Marketing. “When Robby approached us to discuss the possibility of incorporating a Panini America trading card into ‘Everything In Between,’ we knew the card had to be different and that it should personify what Tim stands for.”

The result is a succinct, collectible summation of what Tim Tebow is all about: Dedication, determination and devout faith. It’s also a card that stands out among the more than 1,300 others that bear Tebow’s name and likeness.

“I thought the card turned out awesome and it’s definitely up there as one of my favorites,” said Tim, who has appeared on more than 1,300 trading cards since 2010. “The culmination of so many years of hard work is captured perfectly on this card.”

You know what else is captured perfectly on this card? Tim’s autograph. As part of the promotion surrounding “Everything In Between,” Tebow signed a limited number of these cards exclusively for Panini America — and we’re going to give 15 of them away to some of his biggest fans.

All you have to do to be eligible to win is go to the Panini America Facebook page and share your favorite Tim Tebow moment so far. We’ll select our 15 favorite entries prior to Sunday’s kickoff between Tebow’s Broncos and the Kansas City Chiefs.

Those 15 folks will win a card sure to be cherished as much for the message on it as for the signature on it.

“If it wasn’t for me whole-heartedly trusting the Lord and believing in what verses like Philippians 4:13 say, nothing that I have been blessed to achieve would have been possible.”

60 Comments leave one →
  1. November 8, 2011 3:48 pm

    Super Bowl commercial pro life controversy. Not often players players come out and take a big stand on something like that. Seems as though in interviews and beliefs sports athletes always play it safe and are just trying not to stir up controversy. Stood up for what he believed in and followed threw with it.

  2. Matthew Garza permalink
    November 8, 2011 3:50 pm

    the speech after the loss to Mississippi is my favorite moment. Especially what happened after he made that speech. National Champions

  3. Javier permalink
    November 8, 2011 3:51 pm

    Win against oakland! 2 touch downs and 100 rushing yards!! Ridiculous! For someone who is being doubted so much, he tore it up!

  4. Charles Pope permalink
    November 8, 2011 3:53 pm

    ‎2008 BCS Championship where he tossed 231 yards and ran for 109 yards. He topped the Sooners by throwing 3 TD passes.

  5. Louis2142 permalink
    November 8, 2011 3:56 pm

    Hey Tracy,

    We talking favorite Tebow moment as in his career? or a personal Tebow moment? for example I met him in person and have a fun little story that I could share?

    And you know I’m a Tebow/Broncos nut so I got to get in on this!

    • November 8, 2011 4:22 pm

      I think the personal story in this case works. But post on our Facebook page!

  6. Travis Craig permalink
    November 8, 2011 4:04 pm

    I wasn’t a Tebow fan until I watched his ESPN Draft Special a couple years ago. This guy is a very genuine person. So to say a Tebow moment I would say the Espn show. It opened my eyes to what a great person he is all around.

  7. Allysa Layne permalink
    November 8, 2011 4:13 pm

    my favorite tim tebow moment was when he look at the camera and reporters and told everyone how he was going to be the best he could become and how the gators would rise to their full potential and make history… History Tim Tebow did make. He inspired me to push to my full extent and Never GIVE & GOD will always be right by myside if I believe it! 😀

  8. Yvette permalink
    November 8, 2011 4:21 pm

    Everytime he takes a knee. All the rest is gravy.

  9. November 8, 2011 4:21 pm

    Tebow’s response to Meril Hoge’s criticisms of him as an NFL player. He always handles things with dignity and class. Never gets rattled.

  10. Rebecca Nesbitt permalink
    November 8, 2011 4:24 pm

    In the summer of 2008 I begged my mom to take me up to the Wynfrey Hotel in Birmingham, AL for the annual SEC media days. I got a pass thanks to one of our family friends to go into the press room where Tim was holding a press conference. Although I didn’t get to meet him I was satisfied I got to spend 30 minutes in the same room as him. Someone who knew where Tim, Coach Meyer, and other college football stars told me where they were eating lunch after. I “just so happened” to end up at the same restaurant as them and was able to meet some of the biggest name in sports. Meeting Tim Tebow was really a dream come true!!

  11. Julio Gil permalink
    November 8, 2011 4:24 pm

    The Miracle in Miami will be a testament of Tim’s career

  12. Tiffany Kelly permalink
    November 8, 2011 4:31 pm

    My favorite moment has to be when I was at the Oct 9th game in Denver. I was standing by the teams parking lot and he came walking in. I clicked a couple pictures then waved. He waved back. THEN in the 3rd quarter he was called up! He got to play. That day was my first day ever going to a NFL game. Even though they lost I couldn’t have been happier! It was an awesome experience . To God be the Glory and stay strong Timmy. 🙂

    • Tiffany Kelly permalink
      November 8, 2011 4:33 pm

      AND of course the way he took a knee after the win over Miami 😀

  13. Daniel permalink
    November 8, 2011 4:34 pm

    My favorite Tim Tebow Moment was the speech he made after the Mississippi game and then proved all his haters wrong and went on to the national championship Tim Tebow is my role model and always will be

  14. Ryan permalink
    November 8, 2011 4:35 pm

    I think my favorite Tim Tebow moment came off the field. Mike Fruitman of Mike’s Stadium Sportscards told me that Tim was “in the shopping center” where his store is located when a mother frantically ran in looking for ANYTHING Tebow. She purchased 2 cards and left. Later on, she returned to show us that Tim had signed them for her kids and took pictures as well. The most astounding thing is that Tim WAITED by his car for her to go get the cards and bring them back – probably 10 minutes or so. Say what you want about his play, he’s a great person and that’s what matters most.

  15. christine permalink
    November 8, 2011 4:38 pm

    this young man is an inspiration to our youth here in America and all over the world actually, such character, conviction and strength and all thx to our Lord and Savior Jesus-Christ! Amen

  16. Joy-Grace permalink
    November 8, 2011 5:21 pm

    My Favorit moment is when he stood for purity. There are not many Christians who would be bold enough to do that . From that sparked many young people wanting to save theirselves for marriage.

  17. Shane.K permalink
    November 8, 2011 5:32 pm

    My favourite moment of Tebow was his opinion on NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” for NFL Week. He used his leadership skills to train the contestants, and did an excellent job – working them HARD. he also gave them excellent life advice on perseverance.

  18. Brad permalink
    November 8, 2011 5:32 pm

    My favorite Tim Tebow moment was 2 weeks ago when he got his butt handed to him by the Detroit Lions. I know Tracy is going to love reliving this in his mind.

  19. Kevin C permalink
    November 8, 2011 5:35 pm

    My favourite Tebow moment was when he won the Heisman as a Sophmore. He set the standard that you don’t have to be a Junior or a Senior to capture that award! What a terrific season!

  20. phil leonardi permalink
    November 8, 2011 5:43 pm

    My favorite Tebow moment was when he was drafted by the Denver Broncos. I remember that night like it was yesterday. I was in college and just got back to my dorm to catch the draft, which I never miss. Now, I was a newly born Christian and always loved my Broncos. But I never dreamed of my team drafting Tebow. We already had 2 decent qbs in orton and quinn. But when I saw Tebow on the phone and Denver on the clock, I was super, super excited! When we drafted him, I felt like a little kid on Christmas getting an unexpected gift. I haven’t been that happy in a longggg time. But like Tebow, I have been given crap. A friend called me that moment to laugh at me. I didn’t care. I was happy, like when I found Christ. Now I am happy and unashamed to call Tim Tebow my brother, friend, and now starting qb!
    Romans 1:16

  21. johnny bell permalink
    November 8, 2011 6:02 pm

    my fav tebow moment is when the tv caught him telling josh mcdaniels “only one person touches the ball here” then runs for a td

  22. Amber permalink
    November 8, 2011 6:09 pm

    Tim Tebow is the epitomy of what it means to be a Christian. He is so grounded and lives out his faith each and every day, not caring what others might say about him. My favorite moments are those in which he uses his talent as a platform to show others God’s love for us. I thank God that my three sons have someone like Tim Tebow to emulate. He never fails to give God the glory for all of his successes and never fails to fall on his knees in prayer in his time of need. Matt. 25:21

  23. TimTebow15 permalink
    November 8, 2011 6:15 pm

    I loved it when he fell to his knees in the game against the Dolphins. He is such a man of integrity, passion, and honesty! He is like no other in the game!!!

  24. Aaron Elrod permalink
    November 8, 2011 6:48 pm

    My favorite Tebow moment is from a news special that they did on Tim. They talked about how he spent his spring break in the Philippines ministering to children. Instead of partying at the coolest night clubs, Tim went to villages and taught young children that they all are loved by Jesus. He also spent time helping out at a medical facility in the Philippines and then they showed him giving a motivational speech to prisoners at a correctional facility. The new piece made my mom cry and I was truly moved by it. He talked about trophies and accolades not being the most important thing to him, he would rather make a difference in people’s lives and that is awesome. Not only is Tim Tebow a great football player but he is also a great person. If we had more famous athletes like him I think the world would be a much better place.

  25. Andrew Mendolia permalink
    November 8, 2011 8:20 pm

    Freshman year against LSU. He stood up a defender and drove him back 10 yards. Been a fan ever since.

  26. Garrett G. permalink
    November 8, 2011 9:06 pm

    My favorite moment was when he was playing FSU in the “Soak at Doak” game.He got up from a big run and he had the red paint all over his face. I have the picture of that play framed in my room now.

  27. Matt Baker permalink
    November 8, 2011 9:23 pm

    I love seeing his white Florida jersey covered in blood, and just screaming at the top of his lungs. It looks like he should have been yelling, “THIS! IS! FLORIDA!” (I hope you catch the 300 reference).

  28. Noah welch permalink
    November 8, 2011 9:42 pm

    My fav tebow moment is when he had the blood All over him in Florida!!! He looked like a freakin boss!

  29. Shawn permalink
    November 8, 2011 10:02 pm

    Thank you for sharing just one more gesture of Timmy Tebow’s love for his fans..

  30. November 8, 2011 10:29 pm

    My favorite Tim Tebow moment is when he was on the side lines in a Broncos Uniform. He showed himself a class act by waiting it out and not making any dumb coments to the press like so many other fools do these days. He just waited until his chance was presented and took the most of it. Way to go timmy keep it up

  31. November 8, 2011 11:44 pm

    Best Tebow moment during his first offical start this year verses the maimi dolphins down all day to the dolphins he fights, runs,and stretches his arm out and wills the broncos from behind in the 4th quarter and less than 2 mins left and wins the game wasnt a pretty game for him but his no give up attitude and will power show that kid is going to be a gamer no matter what way to go Tebow never give up go gettem man .

  32. Matthew Gilman permalink
    November 9, 2011 5:33 am

    Just posted mine. Thanks for the awesome contest Panini!!

  33. Keri davis permalink
    November 9, 2011 6:19 am

    Hard to pick just one moment, but “The Promise” speech after the Ole Miss loss sticks out the most. This shows how passionate Tim is and how determined he can be to go after what he wants.

  34. Mike Druga permalink
    November 9, 2011 9:27 am

    My Favorite Tebow moment would have to be last week against the RAIDERS!!! He was down by a substantial margin and cam back with his Touchdown passes as well as scampering with his feet!! He is beginning to prove people wrong in the NFL!! He simply knows how to win!! And once again he had his back against the wall and came out victoriuos against a good Raiders Team!!

    GO Tim Go

  35. November 9, 2011 9:58 am

    My Favorite Tebow moment occurred at The Tattered Book Cover at the Denver LoDo location. Tim was gracious and very accommodating to the large crowd attending for his book signing. He took the time to greet every person, especially attentive to the young fans. He posed for pictures when asked and seemed to enjoy the occasion as much as all the fans in attendance.

  36. Joe Ranyak permalink
    November 9, 2011 11:03 am

    Speech after loss at Ole Miss is the best….

  37. @mitydad permalink
    November 9, 2011 11:22 am

    I have to go with Yvette. The Tebowing is awe inspiring. The guy is a miracle to all of us and should immediately be placed in the football hall of fame. On one knee of course. Also, this pose should be the new “Heisman” trophy pose as well.

  38. Red Morgan permalink
    November 9, 2011 3:13 pm

    My first introduction to Tebow and also remains most significant in my mind is just after the win of the Sugar Bowl. Whether it is his original quote or not was when he said I want to thank my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ “the reason we’re all here”. I have heard no one mention this statement he made that night, but it does go back to the people that came over and settled America.

  39. Matt Gilman permalink
    November 10, 2011 4:45 am

    I dont know if you saw my comment on the Panini page, but i told you my favorite moment but I was curious to what yours was Tracy?

  40. November 10, 2011 12:30 pm

    How nice to be able to have the chance to get Tim Tebow’s John Hancock. 🙂 My favorite “Tim Tebow Moment” is not 1 per se, but the 1 time for each game during his last year at Fla. when the camera would close up on his face long enough for me to see the Scripture on his eye black. Not an easy task at times. (I eventually learned of a website that listed them.)

  41. November 11, 2011 11:42 pm

    When he signed to be a Florida Gator, following in his parents footsteps 🙂

  42. Jason permalink
    November 13, 2011 9:13 am

    My favorite moment of Tim Tebow is destroying Cincinnati in the Sugar Bowl. Though he was out of the national championship picture, he and the Florida showed great resilience.

  43. Kevin draper permalink
    November 13, 2011 10:04 am

    I think for me his greatest moment is not anything in a game but simply the fact that he had used the greatest platform out there through good and bad times to push his faith and has yet to sway because of it! I would live this piece for collection. But his greatest moment for me was his patience knowing god had him in the right place, but he needed to wait it out so he can show why he is in this league!

  44. Jordan permalink
    November 13, 2011 10:18 am

    My favorite Tim Tebow moment is everytime he does something good, he gets down on his knees and thanks God. What a wonderful Christain man to do something when millions of people are watching. He is such a wonderful example and witness for God and this makes him my favorite player!

  45. Dave permalink
    November 13, 2011 11:52 am

    My favorite Tebow moment was just him stepping his first foot onto an NFL field. Great to see someone like him succeed and reach the league he’s played to get into

  46. November 13, 2011 2:35 pm

    The 56 YD pass he just threw to Erik Decker ! THAT was a GREAT throw! And more points for me from Decker lol 🙂 WTG TIM! Great throw! Do it again!

  47. Will permalink
    November 13, 2011 6:22 pm

    Tracy, Just wondering if the winners were announced? And if so, how do you all contact the lucky winners? I had just read the passage above and it said the winners would be chosen prior to today’s Broncos/Chiefs game. Thanks and have a great day!

    • November 13, 2011 6:48 pm

      We’ll announce all the winners tomorrow via Facebook and will contact the winners directly. Good luck to everyone who participated. And thank you.

  48. Ashley permalink
    November 15, 2011 8:11 am

    When Merrill Hoge talked negative(again) about tim, and said its embarrassing to think the broncos could win with him and Tims responce was “hey merril….. ‘ppreciate that.”
    I love how Tims a positive Christian role model. He never lets the negativity get him down. He sure has proved all the haters wrong.

  49. Ryan permalink
    November 26, 2011 10:11 pm

    His speech after the loss to Ole Miss.

  50. Paul 'Tim Tebow's #1 Fan' Lippincott permalink
    November 26, 2011 11:13 pm

    As A GIANT TIM TEBOW FAN His greatest moment (There are soooo many to pick though),but if i absolutely HAD to pick one it would be his Bounceback from the Senior Bowl (Loss) to having an AMAZING Combine to get drafted in the first round to shut the haters mouths.He is MY HERO.He ALWAYS performs and my entire family went to UF(and are now broncos fans because of tim) and WORSHIP him.The only person i look up to more then Tim is Christ My Savior NO one works as hard as Him

  51. December 25, 2011 4:19 pm

    Favorite Tebow moment: the Gator chomp. His one and only technical in college.


  1. The Card Beat: Sports Collectibles News for November 8, 2011

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