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Panini America Begins Pulling Curtain Back on 2013 Father’s Day Hobby Shop Event

May 4, 2013

Studio Posey

For anyone who participated last year or who’s read a Beckett magazine in the last month, the following announcement likely comes as no surprise: Panini America’s wildly popular Father’s Day hobby shop promotion is making a triumphant return in 2013. And this year, company officials are enlisting the help of some bona fide blasts from the past in an effort to make the nationwide wrapper-redemption program another one for the record books — and the memory books.

Just as it has done for Black Friday, Panini America has turned Father’s Day into something of a national trading card holiday, driving thousands of collectors into hobby shops across the country during Father’s Day weekend to celebrate the true bonding experience of collecting cards. That phenomenon promises to unfold again next month.

For its 2013 Father’s Day offering, Panini America has created a 44-card base set that includes 22 Rookie Cards devoted to all four major sports that are sequentially numbered to 499. But it’s the nostalgia-rich insert lineup that likely will generate the most buzz from longtime collectors. From Team Pinnacle (15 cards) to Studio (24 cards) to Museum Collection (nine cards) to the continuing Elite Series, there’s a distinct throwback feel to Panini America’s 2013 Father’s Day set that will remind many collectors (fathers, sons and daughters alike) of their fond collecting roots.

Today, we begin unveiling just some of what we have in store. Enjoy this first look and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional details of the 2013 Father’s Day promotion, including a breakdown of the must-see autograph and memorabilia content.

47 Comments leave one →
  1. fatcatt permalink
    May 4, 2013 10:10 am

    Nicely done guys. Looks awesome. I love the Museum Collection…I hope those of us who have no Panini representation will be able to obtain these somehow? Thanks.

  2. Michael Pereira permalink
    May 4, 2013 10:11 am

    Not too impressed with the design so far, but I do like that they are all sequentially numbered to 499. I don’t like basketball but the Blake Griffin card action shot looks amazing we need better action shots like that in all products. Starting to hate the super zoomed in player cut out design. More photographically artistic than amazing cards.

  3. hudsonfan15 permalink
    May 4, 2013 10:15 am

    GREAT news! I ripped a stupid amount of Studio back in the day, I loved the design and the photography. Thanks for the preview Scott!

    • Scott W. Prusha permalink*
      May 4, 2013 2:00 pm

      It’s one of my favorite sets of all time and just seemed to fit the Father’s Day theme since I collected that set with my dad!

  4. May 4, 2013 10:18 am

    Can’t wait!!! Just one suggestion: Spacers/decoys in every pack. Unfortunately it is too easy to “find” the fatter packs that contain the mem cards. Not a problem with the autos or ordering from Panini store, though but it could be a problem otherwise.

    Love the old-themed products totally! All you need for the Pinnacle is some DUFEX treatment!!!

    Can’t wait!!!

    • Scott W. Prusha permalink*
      May 4, 2013 2:00 pm

      Great suggestion!

  5. Mike F permalink
    May 4, 2013 10:33 am

    Scotty, when will the participating products be announced?

    • Scott W. Prusha permalink*
      May 4, 2013 2:00 pm

      Soon, stay tuned for details just showing off a few of the images!

  6. Justin S permalink
    May 4, 2013 11:03 am

    I wish my pinnacle cards from the 90s were worth as much as the wrapper these will be in, but this should be a nice Father’s Day gift. Thanks for the preview

  7. gary permalink
    May 4, 2013 11:38 am

    hi tracy will julio jones get in this promotion?thanks.

  8. May 4, 2013 1:11 pm

    Can’t quite tell, but are the Team Pinnacle cards two-sided (one player on each side)?

  9. Jamey permalink
    May 4, 2013 1:47 pm

    I love it. Panini is providing a fabulous service to fathers everywhere. I have forwarded this thread to my wife & sister in the hopes that I will, this year, receive something other than argyle socks or a pastel-colored, patterned tie.

    Props’, Panini!

    • May 4, 2013 1:56 pm

      Good stuff, Jamey. I love it.

      • Jamey Feuer permalink
        May 4, 2013 3:00 pm

        8) I enjoy contributing humor to this fantastic blog. But bro, I’m serious!

        Last year my cousins gave me a shoe-shine kit.

        This would’ve been SOO much better.

        Sent from my iPhone

    • Scott W. Prusha permalink*
      May 4, 2013 2:02 pm

      We are trying to help, that might be a great theme…say no to pastel-colored socks. But RGIII might disagree ha!

      • May 4, 2013 2:07 pm

        Although if it was a SCIENCE tie to add to my collection, then I’d have to say OK to that. One can never have too many science and sports ties when teaching middle school!

    • May 4, 2013 2:03 pm

      I will be doing likewise. I wouldn’t mind my family rolling my birthday and father’s day gifts into one GIGANTIC Panini order. Well, maybe not GIGANTIC, but substantial nonetheless.

      • Jamey permalink
        May 4, 2013 3:15 pm

        Keith, my brother in cardboard, it’s time we took a stand. I mentioned the shoe-shine kit, right? Bro, I don’t even wear shoes! Wing-Tips and Cap-Toes …are they bird species?
        As the Assistant Director & Head of Youth Services for a public library in Northern Jersey, I’m sensitive to the whole “kid” tie thing and I’m down with science ties as well But for the love of GD, man, there is a limit…and I say we’ve reached it!
        I am pushing “FAPS” (Fathers Against Patterned Socks) & introducing “GIMP” (Give Me Panini).
        Okay, so that last anagram needs some polish but you all know what I’m saying!
        Let’s help our families and loved ones redefine “Father’s Day Cards!” Who’s with me!?!

      • May 4, 2013 7:08 pm

        I like the Fathers Day CARDS tie-in. Needs to be catchy. Gotta let my brain work on an acronym overnite!

  10. May 4, 2013 1:54 pm

    I have been waiting to see the studio brand make its return. Is Bench the only Cincinnati baseball club player in this promotion?

    I am also wondering if we will see Jeter, Griffey, or Ripken.

    • Scott W. Prusha permalink*
      May 4, 2013 2:03 pm

      I think we have a couple other Reds in there & Jeter will be making an appearance.

      • May 4, 2013 3:27 pm

        Thanks. I love Panini’s promotional cards.

  11. Sport Card Collectors permalink
    May 4, 2013 3:11 pm

    Man I just love these promos. I actually got to participate in this one last year when i was on vacay cause i dont have an lcs nearby. Think i am sadly going to miss this years. But thanks for the early gallery

    • May 4, 2013 3:54 pm

      As always, Matt, there will be an online component. So stay tuned!

      • Sport Card Collectors permalink
        May 5, 2013 4:40 am

        Thanks Tracy!

        Looking forward to more previews as well.

  12. Jonathan Williams permalink
    May 4, 2013 7:14 pm

    This is fantastic news! I am making plans to have more children immediately. Of course the wrapper redemption program last year was about how many packs you opened rather than how many children you had. Better hold off on making any life-changing decisions.

  13. May 4, 2013 8:06 pm

    Wish we had these promos in Australia

  14. May 5, 2013 8:50 am

    This will be my First Fathers Day. I will Spend it enjoying some of this Panini Promotion I hope!!

  15. Josh permalink
    May 6, 2013 8:58 am

    Looks like another great promotion. I hope at a minimum, the base cards will at least say Father’s Day on them somewhere, doesn’t look like part of the initial design (maybe it’s part of the reverse side that we don’t see yet). Will there be progression cards inserted for these like at the national conventsion and the black friday promo? Can’t wait for a full checklist.

  16. Michael permalink
    May 6, 2013 11:45 am

    Um is studio and pinnacle returning, or is this just a tease? I loved Pinnacle! I didnt know you guys had the rights to the set!

  17. Matt Maycher permalink
    May 6, 2013 5:08 pm

    Awesome stuff… love that Durant Studio!

    Will you be doing the NBA draft hats again? One of my favorite sets to collect in a long tim!

  18. Adam Hojnowski permalink
    May 6, 2013 11:50 pm

    Any Red Wings in the hockey selection??????

  19. Ryan K. permalink
    May 9, 2013 11:46 pm

    First and foremost, mad props on having what appears to be a respectable number of baseball players represented. That was my one… complaint? about Black Friday was there weren’t that many baseball cards! I hope the representation continues to be at least as represented as the other sports!

    I whole-heartedly support the decoys/spacers in every pack. It won’t deter the most determined and crooked out there, but it will help give towards giving everyone a fair shake, and I tend to think that it helps avoid damage (which was something I wrestled with on Black Friday)

    Just lost my dad in March and these were some of the exact brands/styles he’d bring home from work every now and then and we’d sort through them looking for Twins cards to put in my binder. Great stuff Panini. I’ve already been pestering my LCS owner to make sure he’s going to be participating, and he is, so I think I know where I’m going to be that weekend! Seeing as how Mother’s Day is this weekend, if I spoil my wife like I’m supposed to, she won’t be able to complain about Father’s Day at the card shop! Hooray for Panini!

    Can’t WAIT to see what else you guys have in store for this promotion!

    • May 10, 2013 9:08 am

      Great stuff, Ryan. Appreciate your passion and excitement. Sorry to hear about your father.

  20. Mike F permalink
    May 12, 2013 4:29 pm

    Ok guys, time to share the participating product list 🙂

  21. Ruben Sanchez permalink
    May 26, 2013 10:34 am

    I personally love this promotion because card collecting has always ben a father-son bonding oppertunity. Some of us (like myself) are (I would say) 1st generation collectors and my dad thinks its a waste of money and i dont have a child so we are lone collectors. Since you could say im under aged (under 18) i cant afford anything more then a blaster box and the day my dad spends that much money on me for cards is the day pigs fly. Im just hoping that i can maybe win or get a hobby box or even an autograph card of my favorite basketball player (Kevin Durant) from the great people at Panini America who work so hard to bring us this joy of cards during this fathers day promotion, please? God Bless.


  22. jason permalink
    July 7, 2013 3:14 pm

    2013 Panini Father’s Day george brett museum collection cracked ice auto mc1 would you know the print run by chance


  1. Anonymous
  2. Special Prizms Deliver Psychedelic Twist to Panini America’s 2013 Father’s Day Set | The Official Panini America Blog
  3. Panini Father's Day Pack Promotion | Dave and Adam's Retail Store Site
  4. Panini America Peeks Rich Baseball Content in Upcoming 2013 Father’s Day Set (Gallery) | The Official Panini America Blog
  5. Paternal Pigskin: Panini America Previews 2013 Father’s Day Football Content | The Official Panini America Blog
  6. A Panini America 2013 Father’s Day Update: NHL Set Content Revealed (Gallery) | The Official Panini America Blog

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